Free Real Estate Consultation

It can be confusing and overwhelming trying to figure out the best way to buy or sell your home, and it can be hard to make sure you have protected yourself legally.
Did you know that once the buyer and seller have signed a purchase agreement, it is a legally binding contract!
The first time that a lawyer is involved is often after the legally binding contract is signed. At this point, it can be very difficult to make changes to the contract.
We want to help you create and sign a legally binding contract that is custom tailored to your particular situation by providing you with a free 30-minute legal consultation about the purchase or sale of YOUR home.
That’s right! You will be able to speak to one of our lawyers for free to review things like:
- How does a real estate transaction work?
- Are there any registrations against my home that I need to worry about?
- What is “Dower” and does it apply to me?
- Which is better for me, a Real Property Report or Title Insurance?
We will also review the typical Real Estate Contract and give you specific advice about what should be included, what should be changed, and what should be removed based on your unique situation.
Will this replace working with your Realtor? No, of course not. Bring your Realtor along!
Realtors provide excellent pricing, marketing, and negotiating advice. We enhance their service by providing you with timely legal advice.
Book your free 30-minute Real Estate Consultation now.
Call us today at (780) 539-3710, or use the form below.